More than a week ago we experienced Hurricane Irma here in Florida. We were hit pretty hard. It was a long Saturday night and a long day Sunday, with what seemed like never-ending wind gusts and heavy rain.
I experienced category 3 and 5 hurricanes when living in Dominican Republic...those were really strong, yet Irma seemed different. Stronger, longer and it felt as if Nature was angry.
I witnessed from our balcony how the palm and pine trees that stood a few feet away took a strong beating, bending over to the lash of the wind gusts! I felt for them. I sent them loving thoughts, telling them to stay strong and hold on! Some gave in and were uprooted, others survived.
After 5 days without power (while others up to 8 days and maybe even more), I am grateful that our family and properties suffered little to no damages, and we are working our way back to normalcy. Not so for many.
My faith has taken a toll seeing the devastation to so many lives because of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria. Add to that the two major earthquakes in Mexico and the spreading wildfires on the West Coast of the U.S.
TV and social media can be a double-edged sword; they can be very informative, but I realize I must keep them to a minimum or I can become overwhelmed and even cynical. It's too much too soon. I couldn't help but cry and feel the pain in my chest as I watched the many images on TV of desperate, weeping parents waiting for their children to be rescued (or even the unthinkable) from the rubble of a school building demolished by the force of the last earthquake in Mexico.
During my prayer times I have cried, I have questioned God, I have felt anger! All this has hit very close to home. And it hurts! I have been this way for days now....I have journaled my feelings on paper extensively (always therapeutic), I've mentally written many love letters to process these feelings, and I've prayed a whole lot.
I am returning to feeling better now. Spirit has reminded me, patiently, lovingly, gently, and in many ways, that It is present in all places and in everyone, no matter what my eyes see. Spirit reminds me to stay in the present moment, to continue praying, extending love and to be faithful that all is in perfect order. It has not been easy for me. But I remember that we are all connected, that underneath the seeming separateness, Oneness is the only truth.
A specific quote from A Course in Miracles keeps coming to my awareness: Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God. In my prayers I continue to ask Spirit to help me see things differently, to see only what is true, with the eyes of my Inner Being so I can return to peace.
I sort of visualize this experience as crossing a precipice on a tight rope (yes kind of extreme) and NOT LOOK DOWN, only focus on the next step.
So, faith is still with me, God is in this next step, and God is also waiting for me with open arms at the end of the rope. I will make it, we will make it. We are in this together. You, me and God. I invest my thoughts and feelings to sending love, light and strength to all experiencing difficult times. Again, remembering that we are all one.
This is all I can say for now. I'm sure many can identify.