Thursday, August 14, 2014

Coaching with Love

To all life and spiritual coaches, and all healers and helpers, let our words always be gentle and loving with  our clients and the people in our lives, especially ourselves.

Through my Pathways of Light Ministerial training, I experienced how gentle, loving and fear-free the Pathways teachings are.....mostly based on the principles of A Course in Miracles.

I have been so enamored by the message of love and forgiveness in A Course in Miracles. It's continuous message is that we are guiltless and sinless. Its teachings have taken all the fear out of how my experience can be.  Each time I read the material, I sense God's love and acceptance of me and of all.  I practice these principles in my everyday life, in each of my relationships.  Whenever I feel I have failed by reacting from my old nature, I am reminded from within, by my Higher Self, that it's ok...I am loved and there is no judgment.  There is no fear!!!!

I remember when I was still going through my training, my facilitator saying to me that: A teacher should never say anything that will produce fear in their students.  Oh my God, yes.  I love A Course in Miracles because I'm not afraid of anything within its message.

Once something fearful is said, it raises our defenses, creating separation and the false belief of self-protection. There really is nothing to defend.  Let us remember this as we relate with our clients and to all of life and ourselves.  May our words be empowering, uplifting, honest, always focused on who we really are!!!


1 comment:

  1. Absolutely written subject material , thanks for information .
    life coach


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