Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Life Is Happening....Even When All Is Still

Last week I was out researching prices and merchandise for an export business between my daughter and I.  I stepped into one particular small clothing store.  The owner and I started chatting.  I told her what I was doing….one thing led to another and out of the blue (?) she asked me if I wanted to help her out two days a week at the store.  I know absolutely nothing about sales, but this felt ok inside and part of a learning process that I need for later on in my journey.
So, yesterday I went for training.  Because it’s something new, I felt awkward, but I was grateful to be out of the house and interacting with people.  And learning.
I’m very involved and excited in expanding my life coaching practice, and I realize that this time in my life is about learning, absorbing, and connecting.  I also feel there is a time to act, a time to rest, a time to be still and pay attention. 
I have prayed and asked God for guidance in all my plans, and what I hear is that it’s time to listen…wait, and take guided steps.  Impatience does creep in a lot, but Wisdom is knowing when to act and when to wait.  So, even though a part of me wants to rush, and whispers that I should be doing this and doing that (many times comparing myself to others and feeling I “should” be moving at a faster speed), it’s not my path.  Learning to follow my own pace is part of my learning.  As Maia reminds me (and is one of the main tools in YOU University program)....LIFE IS A SCHOOL.  And I'm paying attention. 


  1. So glad you are listening to your higher self and taking care of YOU Savina! This is a great post and reminds me how important it is not to rush and to listen to my own internal "knowing" when it is time to act and when I need to be patient and wait. Thank you for your wisdom!

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